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Mood Support Formula Review – Is it Effective?

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Synopsis | Nutrition Facts | Warnings | Cost | Suggested Use | Verdict

Weil Mood Support Formula is advertised as an effective blend of three key ingredients: the herbal extract from St. John’s Wort, Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) and Omega-3 fatty acids designed to promote or restore mental balance and optimum mood. The supplement is designed by the famous dr. Andrew Weil, a world-renowned practitioner and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. Integrative medicine is an alternative type of medicine oriented towards healing by approaching issues thorough all three perspectives: body, mind, and spirit.

Dr. Weil operates a vast website where one can find a broad spectrum of health related information, from the latest discoveries in the field of nutrition, to a wide selection of vitamin packs designed to assist in a number of health related problems.

The supplement should help adults who face mood swings, as well as mild anxiety and emotional stress issues. It appears that the formula is not available for sale, potentially because it has been discontinued. The reasons behind this decision are unknown.


1) Mood Support Formula at a Glance

Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to a large variety of benefits, so they seem to be featured in more and more dietary supplements, as research comes to confirm some of these positive effects. One of the most important effects of EPA and DHA, the two essential Omega-3 fatty acids are those that happen at brain and central nervous system level.
Besides protective abilities against cancer, heart disease, and even diabetes, Omega-3 may also improve mood and restore structural integrity of certain brain cells that are critical to cognitive functions performance.

Long term consumption of Omega-3, from various fish sources, may decrease the likelihood of having symptoms of depression, as one study points out. In addition, consumption may also help enhance mood in patients who already suffer from depression.

Low Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) levels and low vitamin B12 have been found in studies of depressive patients. It seems that a link exists between depression and low levels of these two B Complex vitamins. However, using Folate supplementation to alleviate depression and mood shifts has not been scientifically studied and hence evidence is inconclusive.

St. John’s Wort, the third ingredient of the formula is a plant used for centuries to treat human illnesses. Modern medicine has tried to prove a link between various mood disorders, anxiety disorders, OCD, depression, insomnia, and PMS to St John’s Wort but currently no clear connection can be made.

Nutrition Facts

2) Mood Support Formula Nutrition Facts

Weil Mood Support Formula contains the following ingredients: Folic Acid, EPA (Omega 2 fatty acid), St. John’s Wort, DHA and Gelatin.

You can also try alternative nootropic formulas like BioNeurix Amoryn.

3) Does Mood Support Formula Work?

As you may have seen by reading our other reviews, St. John’s Wort (one of the key ingredients found in Dr. Weil Mood Support Formula) is not the solution that many consumers think it is. While it has a long and interesting history, the ingredient is not able to nourish the brain with the nutrients it needs. It is not able to provide the environment the brain needs on a daily basis if improved mood and alertness is the requirement. Also, several recent studies have shown that St. John’s Wort may have poisonous and dangerous properties if taken in larger amounts.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) is another problematic ingredient. DHA is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid found in walnuts, some types of algae and, most important, in cold water fish. In conclusion, the same benefits provided by omega-3 capsules and oils can be easily and inexpensively found in the form of fish and flax oils from above.

Overall, we believe this formula may have some beneficial effects but as a short-time treatment only, and it does not give the brain the natural environment that it needs to be nourished.

Scientific studies and researches have shown that ingredients, such as those found in Dr. Weil Mood Support Formula are not what the brain and body need to be nourished during the day. The much better alternative is to feed the brain with the neuro-nutrients it demands, using either whole foods or a reliable amino-acid supplement.

While the official website lacks customer testimonials, we were able to find some testimonials on several retailers’ websites. What is being reported includes the following:

  • Good value

  • Effective associated with a healthy lifestyle

  • Very good product

4) Mood Support Formula Benefits & Results

  • The formula is manufactured with the supervision of the writer and alternative medicine practitioner Dr. Andrew Weil
  • It contains a small number of ingredients, limiting potential side effects that may result from their interaction

5) Mood Support Formula Product Warnings

  • The formula has been discontinued
  • The number of reviews available online is rather limited

6) Mood Support Formula Cost

Dr. Weil Mood Support Formula’s price per soft gel is what makes this product an overall good value. A bottle of Dr. Weil Mood Support Formula contains 90 soft gels, which should be enough for one month of treatment for the average user.

The product is available for purchase from various online retailers. Shipping costs are determined based on location. A buyer has to enter their shipping information for that to be calculated.

Suggested Use

7) Suggested Use

Side effects may rarely include anxiety, sensitivity to sunlight, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, stomach upset, sexual problems, and fatigue.


8) Our Final Take On Mood Support Formula

Weil Mood Support Formula should assist users with addressing mood related issues, in a way that is also beneficial for other processes that go on inside the body. The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for instance are far numerous than those exerted on the patient’s emotional balance. It is always great when a product features a decent amount of ingredients (in this case three) instead of going on the assumption that “the more the better”. This way, we have a quality supplement with side effects that can be predictable to a certain extent and in most conditions.

Unfortunately, the formula has been discontinued and we were unable to find an official point of view on the matter of this formula’s market withdrawal.

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