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Colloidal Silver Review – 4 Things You Didn’t Know

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Ingredients | Cost | Verdict

Colloidal Silver is a dietary supplement claimed to contain 99.999% pure colloidal silver particles. The manufacturer’s claims are not clearly listed, but this product is advertised to treat a variety of diseases. It comes with a spray top so you can either spray it into your mouth or take it by the teaspoon.
The company behind this supplement is LifePlus. They are known to provide good quality products all around the world, being in the business for almost 30 years. They promote and interesting marketing plan. People working with the company as business associates can earn money for introducing others to the company and their products. It appears to be an efficient system, similar to a pyramidal scheme. Detailed information about the marketing plan can be found on the official website.
Colloidal Silver has been used in the past as an antiseptic, but its use mostly discontinued in the 1940’s. The information provided by the manufacturer is far from complete. The Effectiveness of products containing colloidal silver has never been scientifically proven, some publication advising against the ingestion of these preparations, because of their lack of proven Effectiveness and because of the risk of adverse side effects.


1) Colloidal Silver Ingredients

Colloidal Silver includes the following ingredients: Water, Mild Silver Protein.

2) Is Colloidal Silver Right for You?

At 20 parts per million (ppm), the electromagnetically charged silver particles in Colloidal Silver stay in suspension, as Mild Silver Protein, without any additional additives. Such suspensions are easily absorbed through living membranes. According to the manufacturer’s official website, the deep gold color of the formula is a clear indicator of good quality.

Silver has had some medicinal uses going back for centuries. In the early 1900s, silver gained regulatory approval as an antimicrobial agent. Before the introduction of antibiotics, colloidal silver was used as a germicide and disinfectant. Physicians used it as an eyedrop for ophthalmic problems, for various infections, and sometimes internally for diseases such as tropical sprue, epilepsy, gonorrhea, and the common cold. Colloidal silver preparations (CSP) were used to treat or prevent gonorrhea and gonorrheal conjunctivitis.

Although silver products were infrequently promoted for oral use, benefits have been even more questionable. Side effects, (such as argyria, a condition in which, over time, the skin acquires a blue-grey discoloration) can occur.

This product should be shaken well before use. Forty (40) pumps from the spray top equals one (1) teaspoon. Adults should take one teaspoon three times per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily amount (three teaspoons 15ml).


3) Colloidal Silver Cost

Considering the price per serving, Colloidal Silver has good value. One container includes 24 servings which are enough for 24 days of treatment.

This supplement can only be bought from the manufacturer. One can either contact them directly through their website or get in touch with one of their business associates. Discounts are offered for company partners. Shipping and processing charges are not listed.


4) Our Final Take On Colloidal Silver

The Effectiveness of this product is under question. While scientific research has never proved Colloidal Silver to benefit the user, many testimonials posted online state it is a life-changing product. This formula is often marketed as an alternative medicine, claiming cure-all qualities. Opinions regarding the use of silver as medicine remain divided.

Customers are advised to investigate further into this supplement before making a purchase.

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