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MycoBotanicals Brain Review – Is it Effective?

By Dr. Usmarah Hussain

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Summary | Formula | Health Benefits | Contraindications | Cost | Where to Buy? | How To Use | Verdict

The brain is undoubtedly the most important organ of the body that controls all functions directly and indirectly. We use it every minute of the day for various little and big tasks, such as remembering directions, making decisions, carrying on conversations, and even contemplating the universe. Supporting and nourishing this organ becomes vital with so many different benefits attributed to the brain. Fortunately, many products on the market claim to support brain health and improve its daily functions, one of which is MycoBotanicals Brain by Host Defense.

Is this supplement worth the price? Can it really improve brain health and support cognition the way it promises? This review will provide an overview of MycoBotanicals Brain, focusing on its working, ingredients, benefits, and price.


1) What is MycoBotanicals Brain?

MycoBotanicals Brain is a natural supplement based on a mixture of several herbs and mushrooms to help users boost cognition. As a performance enhancer, using it daily has been claimed to make a person smarter, sharper, and more creative. As per the information given by Host Defense, its manufacturing company, it combines two complementary strategies to provide a spectrum of benefits tailored to individual needs.

The product comes in the form of pills that must be consumed orally with a glass of water. Each pill contains natural ingredients with no GMOs or animal derivates, making it suitable for vegans. Additionally, it is also free from gluten, is bee-friendly, and is available in eco-friendly packaging to play its role in the conservation of the planet.

2) The Company Behind MycoBotanicals Brain

MycoBotanicals Brain is a product of Host Defense, a company founded by a popular mycologist called Paul Stamets. With a mission to build a bridge between humans and fungi, the company produces supplements based on mushroom mycelium to support whole-body wellness in addition to providing targeted benefits. The company is based near the Olympic Rainforest in Washington and claims to be one of the best and longest-standing mushroom supplement companies in the United States.

Host Defense first started more than 10 years ago as a direct-to-store manufacturer of natural mushroom-based supplements. Today, it is a proud leader and one of the best-selling companies in America. The company aspires to keep exploring, studying, preserving, and spreading knowledge about the use of fungus to help people enjoy good health. The company uses scientifically-validated data for product development and formulation to maintain the good quality and efficacy of the supplements. The mushroom mycelium and fruit body it adds to the supplements are grown on its privately-owned farms in Washington. Each product that Host Defense produces is certified non-GMO, organic, gluten-free, and vegan. Additionally, it is thoroughly tested for identity, composition, purity, and strength by independent labs through internationally validated and recognized testing methods.


3) What Are MycoBotanicals Brain Ingredients?

As mentioned, MycoBotanicals Brain comprises a mixture of herbs and mushrooms to boost cognition and mental clarity. These ingredients are mentioned below with brief explanations:

  • Lion’s Mane: Studies suggest that using Lion’s mane can decrease inflammation and reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly. At the same time, it can improve cognition and boost the release of a protein called nerve growth factor that further strengthens nerve cell processes.
  • Reishi Mushroom: Reishi mushrooms have a neuroprotective property as they protect the brain from various threats in the body. Their calming effects control an overactive nervous system and regulate the adrenal function to manage high-stress levels.
  • Cordyceps: Research has revealed that cordyceps boost the oxygen uptake in the brain by boosting the blood flow, which, in turn, helps manage mental fatigue. Cordyceps has also improved cognitive performance, such as memory and learning capacity.
  • Bacopa: Bacopa is a natural herb that improves attention and memory. Studies have revealed that it improves the speed with which the brain processes visual information, memory, and learning rate. Additionally, bacopa has also been known to improve the attention spans of users.
  • Ginkgo: Ginkgo is a good source of antioxidants that protect brain tissue from damage mediated by free radicals. It also boosts the blood flow to fight various vascular problems of the brain, such as vascular dementia.
  • Gotu Kola: By releasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Gotu kola regulates the growth of brain tissue. It also carries the potential to enhance nerve function and memory.
Health Benefits

4) MycoBotanicals Brain Health Benefits

Using MycoBotanicals brain can lead to the following benefits:

  • Increased support to the brain and nervous system due to lion’s mane
  • Well-supported neurological and adrenal functioning due to Reishi mushroom
  • Age-related brain support due to cordyceps
  • Memory enhancement due to bacopa
  • Healthier blood flow to the brain due to ginkgo leads to better concentration
  • Increased mental acuity due to Gotu kola

5) MycoBotanicals Brain Warnings and Precautions

Reports of side effects in people with high blood pressure and diabetes have been made by consumers. Hence, if you have been diagnosed with these issues, make sure to consult a doctor before using MycoBotanicals Brain.

  • The supplement is not safe for consumption during nursing and pregnancy
  • Keep MycoBotanicals Brain away from children reach
  • MycoBotanicals Brain supplements do not offer any treatment or cure for any disease but only assists in boosting mental performance. The individual benefits of this supplement may vary from one person to another
Where to Buy?

6) Where to Buy MycoBotanicals Brain

MycoBotanicals Brain is available for purchase through its manufacturing company’s official website (hostdefense.com). Alternatively, you can also order it online from Amazon or Walmart.


7) MycoBotanicals Brain Cost

The official company is selling MycoBotanicals Brain at a nominal price of $29.95 per bottle. Keep in mind that each bottle contains 60 pills which are enough for a whole month, provided a single user is using them. The price of this supplement may vary slightly depending on where you purchase it from.

There are many bulk offers available at hostdefense.com that allow users to avail discounts if they purchase more than one bottle of this supplement.

How To Use

8) How to Use MycoBotanicals Brain

MycoBotanicals Brain supplement comes in the form of capsules that must only be taken orally. According to recommended guidelines, take two capsules once daily with or without food, as recommended by a doctor. Do not exceed the daily dose, as doing so may lead to unwanted side effects.

Swallow the pills whole with a glass of water for the best results. Don’t chew on them, crush them, or open them and mix their content in water or food. The company recommends taking the pills every day at designated times to start experiencing the benefits faster.


9) Our Final Take On MycoBotanicals Brain

MycoBotanicals Brain is a brain-boosting supplement that you can use to improve your day-to-day performance, cognition, attention, and creativity. The supplement is completely natural, based on a blend of mushrooms and herbs, and manufactured by a reputable company. Though the customer reviews are mostly positive, some have reported experiencing side effects after using it. All in all, it can be an excellent alternative option if you cannot find any other better supplement.

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